I learn a lot from my intergenerational friendships and my 30 year old pal Laura Brooks said “My job is not my identity” during our first conversation and it blew my mind and changed my life.

Hi! I’m Bevin! I want to be a good influence on you!

When I left my career as an attorney I didn’t have anything I was leaping into other than the temporary monetary cushion of a fiance who wanted me to move to Los Angeles with her and was willing to support my career transition. A lot of times life is like that, we have to leave the familiar for the unknown and then it sorts itself out.

About nine months after the move I had already started working on a tea business, overlapping with that is when I got the idea to start teaching aerobics. I took a class at the World Tea Expo about liability and small product based consumable businesses and knew I couldn’t do it with no capital. Forever learning the Capricorn lesson about not monetizing all of my passions (I remain very passionate about herbs and tea).

Once I started teaching my aerobics class, Fat Kid Dance Party shot off like a rocket. Replacing “I’m an attorney” with “I’m an aerobics instructor” was an ease of mind I didn’t realize I needed.

I also didn’t realize what I was doing was, once again, externalizing my sense of identity and safety outside of myself.

“My job is not my identity” is such an accurate thing to say because, in capitalism, making our identity about how we create capital for the state makes that the most important thing we do. I believe we incarnate on Earth to perfect how we love one another and ourselves. That has more to do with being the best person we can be, not the best at making money or being “successful” in the eyes of capitalism.

Here are all of the ways I experienced income during Summer 2024 (that I can remember):

Patreon memberships

Pet sitting

Cleaning hotel rooms

Personal shopping for health / wellness / home products

Gifts to support my podcast, this blog and other free content I provide on social media

Arts grant panelist (this was 30 hours and intense!)

Business brainstorm sessions

Reiki sessions

Sales of my online aerobics video series

In person aerobics classes (but to be accurate I actually went out of pocket for travel to teach in Seattle for 4 out of 5 of the recent classes)

None of these things is my identity!

I’ve been going through a lot emotionally over the past couple years as the revenue from my aerobics class has waned. I don’t know any entrepreneurs who did well financially in 2023 and I ended up getting a couple of gigs to supplement my income, while still doing the same amount of work in my entrepreneurial ventures.

If you’re part of the entrepreneurial “2023 was trash” experience, I highly recommend season 5 of Luvvie Ajayi Jones’ Professional Troublemaker podcast!

I didn’t realize a big part of why it was so hard emotionally was because I put so much of my identity in being “an aerobics instructor” versus just being the best Bevin I can be.

True, figuring out what I was meant to do in the world gave me so much peace. I spent a long time teaching about body liberation and self love without having a thing I could point to that made money from it. And then! Getting to say I made all of my money to live off from my art and activism was such a sweet experience. A dream come true!

On this day I was femmeceeing a virtual event. 25 years experience Emceeing events is another way I generate income!

True, it took shrinking my needs waaay down by moving to the forest and hardly heating my house in the Winter. But I got to work full time in my passions in a way I always wanted and to be a full time mom to my Feline Overlord, Biscuit Reynolds.

I started this post yesterday and a couple hours later found out one of my steadiest jobs is coming to an end. It’s wildly unsettling to be thrust into the chaos of “Oh I was counting on this thing and now it’s gone” but that’s grief in a nutshell. When I got laid off in 2008 from a lawyer job I had been at for five years I realized that job security is a myth and at any moment everything can change.

I think we all learned during the onset of the quarantine that something we have never heard of before can come through and change everything about our lives.

The only thing consistent in life is uncertainty and I’m proud of myself that my reaction to losing this steady income was to check in with my intuition and reach out to a couple of my besties for moral support. And trust that another stream of income will flourish!

I’m Bevin and that’s enough!

For further listening on this topic, my podcast episode with Jonathan Koe on redefining success is a good one!

If you find value in my blog or my work in the world, please consider supporting!

Patreon.com/fkdp (you can follow for free and get updates and freebies from me!)
https://www.buymeacoffee.com/bevin (safe and secure way to buy me a snack!)

Venmo: @bevinb
Cash App: $BevinBoss

Buy my aerobics video! ⁠fatkiddanceparty.com/video4pack

Amazon Wishlist: https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/1SJCL864DDKEH?ref_=wl_share
Tee shirts: https://genuinevalentine.com/collections/fat-kid-dance-party

Instagram: @fatkiddanceparty @bevinsparty
Work one on one with me: https://queerfatfemme.com/one-on-one-with-bevin/

Podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/bevin (Search “Bevin” on Spotify or Apple/Google Podcasts)
You Tube Channel:
Blog: queerfatfemme.com

Email list: http://eepurl.com/dyX3db
Buy anything on Amazon using this link to go to their website and I make a 3% commission on anything you buy! Costs nothing extra to you and cuts into that “astronaut’s” profits just a lil bit. https://amzn.to/2PQ52A9

Threads, Tik Tok, Twitter: @bevinsparty

Like/subscribe/review/send a link to a friend! It all helps!

We’ve been in this pandemique for four and a half years and to my knowledge I haven’t ever gotten infected with Covid 19, the virus that causes Long Covid. 

Of course, half of infections come without symptoms, but it feels nice to say I haven’t felt sick from an external infection, even a common cold, in 5 years*! As a result of the precautions I take! 

About every six months I add something new to my repertoire of personal fortification, some of which I’ve blogged about before.

Hi! I’m Bevin! Welcome to my blog!

A friend asked me to write up what I’m doing and I thought I’d share with the world wide web because I would LOVE to be a good influence on you. 

Immunity is a group project and we would be in a better situation if more folks took personal responsibility for their immune systems and behavior! Every time you get another Covid 19 infection you deplete your immune response and increase your likelihood for long covid! Which makes it harder for everyone else!

Before I see people/interact with people unmasked:

Nasal Spray! I currently use Covyxyl. It briefly (less than a minute) feels like cinnamon in my nose and I use two squirts in each nostril (following the directions on the bottle, and I re apply every 6 hours or when my intuition says I need it). I started nasal sprays for higher risk occasions in Sept 2023. Covyxyl is out of stock so I’m switching to this bee brand that has both xylitol and propolis from bees!

Hard conversations! I will ask for an open window or outdoor hang if I can (it does mean dressing in heavy layers 9 months of the year where I live), I will ask for more social distance from people or just take it if my intuition says I need it. 

People who say they are “cautious” mean that in a wide spectrum of ways. My bestie Rachael got Covid the first time from a family member who hadn’t disclosed her risky behaviors. It’s best to be clear with folks what risks you’re willing to take!

At the end of the day (especially after higher risk activities): 

I use a mouthwash with CPC! (I use the Glister brand, there are other brands out there.) CPC kills viruses and bacteria you may have breathed in with others after one minute of swishing! At the airport I do it before and after a flight. Even though I mask on planes it’s just such close quarters. (Here’s a guide to covid safer flying.)

Nasal irrigation! I like this version but you could do classic neti pot. Years ago I did this daily for my allergies and was inspired to pick it up again after reading about a study that nasal irrigation can prevent infection and even if someone is infected the symptoms were lessened. (Viral load matters, and of course so-called mild symptoms can still lead to Long Covid.) Nasal irrigation feels a little like drowning momentarily but it’s worth it if I don’t have to deal with getting sick!

Daily Practice: 

*Hand washing! My intuition says it’s the most effective thing I can do. 20 seconds, warm water and soap when I can (not everywhere has warm water). 

FYI: The Norovirus is rampant (you do not want to get that if you can avoid it, such a distressing 24+ hours) and is only killed through soap and warm water not hand sanitizer.

*Take my vitamins! Here’s what I take that especially helps my immune system prevent Covid:

  1. Vitamin C extended release

2. Vitamin D (I’ve read this helps prevent hospitalization if you do get C19)

3. Prebiotic (Fiber) and Probiotic, some ayurvedic herbs, fermented superfoods and more (Gut health is immunity health!)

4. CBGA & CBDA through an RSO I get at my local dispensary. About six months ago my intuition shifted me from a 6:1 to a 10:1 CBD:THC ratio. More info on why I use this in this blog post!

5. Ashwagandha for stress (reducing stress supports your immune system)

Not all vitamins/supplements are created equally—it is an unregulated industry and you want to see that your brand is 3rd party verified (my brand is NSF certified and very effective). Costco / drug store brand vitamins are often just peed right out of your body.

(I use additional supplement protocols, book a one on one with me to discuss more. I’m happy to share what I do for my optimal health and help you build your optimal health plan!).

I think being an “outsider” my whole life has given me so much practice being resilient to what people think about me. Being Covid cautious is less stressful than coming out was!

Air purifiers are great! I like to ask venues if they have them before booking (and I disclose that in the ticketing information for my in person Fat Kid Dance Party aerobics classes). I wish we had more widespread air quality requirements for public spaces. We deserve clean air inside just like we have clean filtered water.**

Masking! I still mask 100% of the time in stores, on planes, on public transit and healthcare environments. Vulnerable people matter! All that staying home in 2020 and masking in 2020/2021 was about vulnerable people, right? Why aren’t we still masking in these mandatory environments?***

Mask 4 Mask: If an employee someplace has a mask on I will mask when I interact with them. (I rarely go out to eat but if I did and the waitress had a mask on or the person at the counter had a mask on I would mask when I interacted with them. Or if someone in a drive through was masking I would mask when our windows were open together.)

I don’t mask inside people’s homes unless there’s a present risk (someone has been exposed or is symptomatic). But I rarely enter people’s homes! If something doesn’t feel like a full body yes I don’t do that thing.

I rarely do big events/concerts. (I have gone to 2 big events and 1 concert this year.) When I do I have to be careful about my air flow because I have a history of fainting in crowds. I went to a 10,000 person arena conference in April and tried masking, got woozy to the point of thinking I might faint and decided to rely on my other protocols. I did not get sick!

Everything about this pandemique is about risk assessment and doing our best.

*I deal with ongoing chronic digestive issues that force me to rest, occasional migraines, injuries, and in 2024 an undeniable fatigue which my intuition says is just part of a cycle and I’ll have renewed energy next year. My overall rule is to ask the question “What does my body want?” When she wants rest I give her rest. I think that helps my immune system, too!

** Everyone, everywhere deserves clean water and that’s not even available to every human even though we have the resources. Another rant for another day!!

***To be honest I have very complicated feelings about folks who once masked for moral reasons to protect vulnerable people and now do not. This pandemique has given me on the ground training to not judge people but I feel really let down by the so-called “liberals” who chose to “vax and relax” and abandon vulnerable people. Vaccines help but they don’t prevent being a carrier of covid. I know there was a lot of terrible leadership around pandemique behaviors! I value folks who look at the data and act according to their values, not just what feels comfortable or going along with the crowd.

Please support my blog!

Patreon.com/fkdp (you can follow for free and get updates and freebies from me!)
https://www.buymeacoffee.com/bevin (safe and secure way to buy me a snack!)

Venmo: @bevinb
Cash App: $BevinBoss

Buy my aerobics video! ⁠fatkiddanceparty.com/video4pack

Amazon Wishlist: https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/1SJCL864DDKEH?ref_=wl_share
Tee shirts: https://genuinevalentine.com/collections/fat-kid-dance-party

Instagram: @fatkiddanceparty @bevinsparty
Work one on one with me: https://queerfatfemme.com/one-on-one-with-bevin/

Podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/bevin (Search “Bevin” on Spotify or Apple/Google Podcasts)
You Tube Channel:
Blog: queerfatfemme.com

Email list: http://eepurl.com/dyX3db
Buy anything on Amazon using this link to go to their website and I make a 3% commission on anything you buy! Costs nothing extra to you and cuts into that “astronaut’s” profits just a lil bit. https://amzn.to/2PQ52A9

Threads, Tik Tok, Twitter: @bevinsparty

Like/subscribe/review/send a link to a friend! It all helps!

I keep thinking about what would happen if Beyoncé declared she was running for President. (Like for months, I keep thinking about this.) We could all write her in or install her at the DNC convention and her ground swell of support certainly could win.

Hi! I’m Bevin! I want to be a good influence on you! I am writing a series I’m calling my Federalist Papers because I think we deserve way better as humans in this world and the US Government is getting it so wrong. We have got to get money out of politics.

I wonder if that thought is co-dependent. Like I’m looking to someone else to come in and be the hero and save the day because the other options on the table are so bleak.

I wonder if that thought is demanding labor from a Black woman?

I wonder if it’s because she’s all decked out in Americana for her Cowboy Carter marketing? Each time I see it I think “This would be SO FUN if she was running for President.”

I wonder if it’s because she’s a billionaire now? She is the most capable billionaire I have heard of. And as a Virgo, she is more than competent to run the country. She’s stress tolerant, hard working and (seemingly) compassionate.

I heard a rumor during the early Black Lives Matter movement that Beyoncé and Jay-Z gave lots of money to bail funds for protestors. I like to think that’s true and they low key support leftist movements in their own way and she might care enough for us to grace us with her service for four years instead of just all of her incredible art. 

(But her art is enough! Again, this is just my fantasy about how the problem of the 2024 election gets solved.)

Luvvie’s book Professional Troublemaker: The Fear Fighters Manual is what I suggest to anyone who wants to level up in life or self confidence. Too many mediocre people have unearned confidence and too many of us are socialized to be disempowered and holding ourselves back. Guess who profits off of that?

I don’t intend to think about the Billionaire Class every day but it seems like it gets talked about daily in my circles. How the very concept of being a billionaire is hoarding wealth. 

I heard a statistic that a person only needs about 50 Million in personal wealth to really spend everything they can, living luxuriously, and that anything in excess of that is just hoarding. 

There’s the classic meme that Dolly Rebecca Parton is a millionaire not a billionaire because she gives so much away. (And while I frequently wear my Dolly for President tee shirt I think she, at 78 years young, should do what she wants and not take on the stress of the job. But if she was willing to do it I have no doubt she also could be elected based on the response to my shirt.)

In my little corner of the world where my net worth is six figures of law school debt, I find the more I declutter and the more I give away the better I feel.

None of these billionaires seem particularly peaceful or happy except, perhaps Beyoncé Giselle Knowles Carter.

She’s also my favorite of all billionaires and, frankly, the one who would be most competent at the Presidency. I wonder if she would do it for us as a favor, maybe we all promise to buy a sweatshirt from her every year of her term?

I watched the Max dot com series Girls on the Bus (it’s excellent!!! Put it on your watch list!). There’s a scene in the last episode at the Democratic National Convention in a VIP suite filled with billionaires and corporate oligarchs. They declare openly that they are running our politics through their monetary influence.

If only they were that plain spoken to everyone.

Would plain spoken corporate 1% evil even make a difference?

I think about how my Democrat friends are glued to their tvs about the trials and indictments of 45, they cheer so much, and how none of his fan base care about any of it. I don’t think any of his legal issues will keep them from buying a narrative of gibberish and hate and dangerously mobilizing.

What if those Democrats used their obsessive political and news watching TV time to make meals for struggling single moms or unhoused people and how that might change things more?

Beyoncé for president could be monumental mobilizing. Look at her stats from the Renaissance world tour.

And the Weekend at Bernie’s job the Democrats are doing with Biden. This man should be at home surrounded by his family gazing at a garden not “making decisions” for the United States (as though he’s actually making them). 

From the Modern Witch Tarot. I LOVE this deck and have already gifted it to a friend.

I left the Democratic Party in 2020 but I think the party is going through a total Tower moment. In the Tarot, a Tower moment is a sudden change, chaos or upheaval because something in your life has been built on a shaky foundation and it’s likely to come crashing down.

Their support for the genocide in Gaza has lost them essential support from the far left and frankly, anyone with a conscience. We could end houselessness and have universal healthcare if we weren’t funding genocides. Israelis have free healthcare. We do not.

I left the party because even though I was raised a Democrat I realized they don’t actually follow through on anything they say they stand for. I’ve seen them win the popular election twice in my adulthood but still they haven’t moved to abolish the electoral college. Why? I watched them roll over and let the Republicans deny them a supreme court nominee when Obama was leaving office and then when the Republicans claimed the nominee when 45 was leaving office anyway the Dems rolled over and did nothing.

I think the two party system is inadequate for actual human diversity. I’m not part of it anymore. I talk to strangers in my purple part of Washington (meaning much of the rural area I live in is very red and many pockets of very blue). Nearly everyone agrees we deserve universal healthcare. What I think is funny is when people blame Joe Biden for gas prices. Who is to blame are the fact that there are only two oil companies and the three corporations in one trench coat running both parties. 

I’m feeling abandoned by the government and salty about it and would love this to have a hero’s ending. I know the victim/hero mindset is a trait of coloniality and it functions to disempower people from stepping into what power they do have. 

A lot of people doing a little bit makes a HUGE difference.

One of my favorite creators and thought leaders in this time is Logan Grendel of Focused on Infinity (like myself, Logan is a Patreon supported artist and activist). About voting they say:

“I vote in every single election, but until the next one I’m not going to waste a whole lot of time thinking about it, because if I’m not doing the work every day I’m going to be left with nothing but the shabby choices that are put in front of us by the vulture class.

So for those of you who have been haranguing us to vote, your move. There are 363 other days this year and lots to be done.”

Logan also posted a great video about how the victim/hero dichotomy is disempowering—I return to this video frequently.

The thing about a Tower Moment is that the outcome is always for our own good and the lessons learned (if one chooses to learn them) can launch us into a greater thrive.

The Democratic machine just pushed Biden through the primaries and wasn’t willing to have the hard conversations that those of us being affected by their decisions demanded.

Having a general election debate on TV this early is pageantry and ratings for CNN. I hope the Democrats replace Biden at the convention and I hope something unexpectedly good comes out of the current poop show of US politics. 

But more than that I hope YOU, gentle reader, DO SOMETHING to make the world better the other 363 days of the year. The more of us who divest from extractive capitalism under the current model, the more swiftly we can make change. 

Here’s my treatise on how I think tipping can change the world.

My blog is reader supported–please help me maintain these 16 years of blog archives and podcast archives and continue to create my art and activism. Every little bit helps!

Patreon.com/fkdp (you can follow for free and get updates and freebies from me!)
https://www.buymeacoffee.com/bevin (safe and secure way to buy me a snack!)

Venmo: @bevinb
Cash App: $BevinBoss

Buy my aerobics video! ⁠fatkiddanceparty.com/video4pack

Amazon Wishlist: https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/1SJCL864DDKEH?ref_=wl_share
Tee shirts: https://genuinevalentine.com/collections/fat-kid-dance-party

Instagram: @fatkiddanceparty @bevinsparty
Work one on one with me: https://queerfatfemme.com/one-on-one-with-bevin/

Podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/bevin (Search “Bevin” on Spotify or Apple/Google Podcasts)
You Tube Channel:
Blog: queerfatfemme.com

Email list: http://eepurl.com/dyX3db
Buy anything on Amazon using this link to go to their website and I make a 3% commission on anything you buy! Costs nothing extra to you and cuts into that “astronaut’s” profits just a lil bit. https://amzn.to/2PQ52A9

Threads, Tik Tok, Twitter: @bevinsparty

Like/subscribe/review/send a link to a friend! It all helps!