My Job is Not My Identity

“My job is not my identity” is such an accurate thing to say because, in capitalism, making our identity about how we create capital for the state makes that the most important thing we do. I believe we incarnate on Earth to perfect how we love one another and ourselves. That has more to do with being the best person we can be, not the best at making money or being “successful” in the eyes of capitalism.
I’m Following My Dreams and Doing a Reiki Tea Pre Sale Through March 2nd!

It has long been my wish to retire from the practice of law in order to follow my dreams. For years I thought about it, but had no idea how it could happen.
Eventually I managed to work part time in law and part time advancing my work to help make the world safe for people to love themselves. Moving across the country, out of the states I’m licensed in and having to leave my private practice has really kicked this into high gear. This is the time in my life to gamble on myself… can I do like Mariah Carey and Make it Happen? Will you help by buying some tea or sharing with your networks?
Creating my own line of Reiki-infused teas is one of my biggest dreams, and I’m taking the first steps in order to turn it into a goal. After all, goals are dreams with deadlines!