Simple Self Care: Compliment Serenade

I remembered an old simple self care tip I used to use when I was going through it–reaching out to a trusted friend to ask for compliments. “Hey I’m having a hard time. What are some of your favorite things about me?” has opened up a lot of great heart-warming things I’ve never forgotten.
Call it Hand S*x Not Fingering!

Let’s remember that hands have five digits each and the vigorousness, stamina and strength one can offer with a forearm is far more than what’s possible with other appendages.
The Healing Properties of Foxgloves!

Working with foxglove energy is powerful, especially if you resonate with fairies. The fairies aren’t medicine to everyone, so check in with your vibes on it. Mostly what I do with foxgloves is hang out, watch their growth and change, marvel at their uniqueness and welcome the fairy vibration.
Fairies help with inner child healing, physical ailments, playfulness, energy, inspiration and household tasks. (And more!)
Self Care KALE

I was once an attorney and studied law all the time now I work with bodies and study the physiology of wellness. It is very understandable how our bodies resist grind culture and it is bonkers how our culture glorifies burn out.
My Love Story with Rachael

Rachael’s lavish love and devotion has shown me I am worthy of so much love, grace and support.
Nobody Ever Died of Awkward: A Funny Flattering Script for Asking People Out

more hard conversations I know how important developing the skills to have those conversations is to creating a life worth living. A script makes that easier!
The Distinction Between Courtship and Dating

If there is one lesson I could teach the 27 year old Bevin that began this blog it’s the distinction between courtship and dating.
Vitamin I: Imagination

We are using our imaginations to come up with worst case scenarios when we worry. Simultaneously we are flooding our body with chemicals that harm our immune system and cause disease.
When I find myself worrying I like to antidote it by coming up with five good things that are possible. Training the brain against those tendencies to catastrophize.
Getting Out Ahead of Seasonal Depression
r SAD to give you now. Enhanced by my further studies living in Washington State so close to Canada I can see it on a clear day.
Five Ways I Shake Off Body Oppressive Rhetoric During the New Year’s Resolution Bandwagon

As I was preparing to leave Seattle I found myself really excited to go to the gym and drink green juice, smoothies and detox from sugar. And as I heard the same kind of “drink all the green juice!!!” and “get a new gym membership!!!” trumpets from the anti-fat mainstream media and billion dollar weight loss industry in conjunction with the new year’s resolution influx of people working to lose weight for the umpteenth time, I felt gross about it. Like, here I was wanting to participate in something that is also being used as weapons against bodies like mine.
I thought a lot about what was going on in my head about this stuff and how it was that I have herstorically dealt with the new year’s uptick in relentless weight loss commercials, before and after I began eating in alignment with my body and going to the gym. I came up with some ways that I’ve used to make sense of the complex and seemingly contradictory relationship I have with loving my fat body, hating the sizeist media and making choices that help my body feel its best.
Click here to read the whole article. Plus a few pictures from my holiday trip to Dollywood!
August Astrological Forecast and Self Development Worksheet with Empowering Astrology

I’ve written exercises working in conjunction with this month’s astrology to create self improvement with some celestial oomph. The activities include learning how to respond instead of react (good strategy no matter what’s happening in the stars), a full moon ritual about getting real with yourself, and incorporating health at every size into your new moon intentions.
To read the whole article, click here.
Six Strategies to Not Care When People Stare at You

A lot of folks do the long look to try to decide what’s going on with someone when they look unusual. And that’s way more noticeable when you’re not used to it. It feels weird. And when Dara started to notice it, she felt uncomfortable and insecure about it.
I surprised myself by rattling off a bunch of strategies she could use to get more comfortable with being conspicuous. So here, dear readers, is a cheat sheet for how to stop caring about what strangers think about you.
Click here to read the whole article.