On the day of the Leo new moon I was kind of spiraling. It was a bonkers day and I was feeling heart weary.

I respond to downward spirals with self care. It’s so much easier to get out ahead of the Bog of Stench when I sniff it than when I’m being pulled under. I stopped working and shifted my attention to a grounding and clearing meditation through Chris Corsini’s New Moon donation based workshop on you tube dot com. (Highly recommend his work, his workshops are fantastic and accessible even for spiritual newbies!)
I then hopped into my Glowing Goddess Sisterhood 4:20 sister sesh workshop for the new moon in Leo, a full 24 minutes late (at 4:44, I love an angel number!). We have an online members forum on Discord dot com that has text chat and voice/video chat rooms, where we host regular events and casual hang outs. Doing dishes is more fun while chatting with friends!
My heart was open from the previous workshop and my friends were gleeful to see me. Dreya, who was leading, told me we were complimenting each other and to sit back and receive.
Receiving is the powerful part of asking for help. You can ask all you want; if you’re not open to receive it falls flat.
Each of my friends took turns showering me with sincere appreciation and compliments. It was overwhelming in the good way. I received.
And I felt better! I remembered an old simple self care tip I used to use when I was going through it–reaching out to a trusted friend to ask for compliments. “Hey I’m having a hard time. What are some of your favorite things about me?” has opened up a lot of great heart-warming things I’ve never forgotten.
Receiving a serenade is hard work emotionally. My First Love was a singer songwriter and they couldn’t look me in the eye when they played for me–so bashful, in fact, that they would face the wall. I still loved it.
I reflect on that and remember how much easier it was for ME that I could just receive the song instead of receiving the full force of emotion with face and eye contact.

I believe we incarnate on Earth to embody love, to learn to love MORE. When we give freely and receive freely we are in this sacred infinity.
We don’t necessarily receive from where we give, sometimes we receive from people we can never “pay back” we can only pay it forward. Think about how an infinity symbol looks, the flow is there but it’s not transactional. I’m focused on relational living and giving freely and receiving abundantly.
I love to give a compliment serenade. I would love the opportunity to tell someone what they mean to me. I am slowly becoming the kind of person who sends lots of greeting cards and who lavishes their friends with hearty approbation and sincere praise out of nowhere just cuz I was thinking of them.
If you want to deepen your understanding of how to love on your people (and how you can communicate more effectively so they can really feel your love) I recommend the book How to Win Friends and Influence people. I wish it was more accurately titled “How to shave off your rough spots so the people you love actually KNOW you love them.” (Either the original or the digital age version, I have read them every year since 2019 and it’s really opened my eyes! I was raised to believe criticism was love and that is INCORRECT. That’s why I stayed away from my family of origin for 15 years.)
I hope this little message hits your heart and you remember when you’re low that you can shoot a text asking for compliments. Someone once told me “I love that you’re the kind of person who asks questions until you really understand.” I had never thought of that as something of an asset and because of the loving way that was shared I have leaned into living into that. I hope you know how loved you are, just as you are, flaws and all.
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