An Entheogenic Journey with Prince

This is a spiritual experience with Prince Rogers Nelson, who has so much to teach us that we still get to have access to on the Earth plane. The art from this triple cd Prince put out in 2009 tells me he intended it to be for psychedelic experiences.
Are You As High as You Want to Be?

I started saying this at Glowing Goddess Getaway events when I would be stationed at the Glow Bar helping goddesses decide how they wanted to consume cannabis. Being a loud gal, I hollered out “Are you as high as you want to be?” as an enthusiastic way to remind folks they came to unwind.
But it’s also a good reminder for yourself to actually set an intention for how high you want to be BEFORE you consume. You can always get more high, it’s really hard to get less high!
Pep Talk for Hard Conversations and Stressful Gatherings over the Holidays

My intention with this piece is to teach anyone who is trepidatious about going to a gathering some of my favorite tools for hard conversations and difficult people. I’ve been working on healing from social anxiety intentionally for nearly five years and I’ve learned a lot about how to release defensiveness and needing to be “right” which helps a lot with harmonizing conversations.
I Started Taking a Therapeutic Dose of CBDA and CBGA to prevent Covid and here’s what happened

My tummy overall is way better. I have chronic IBS, which I mostly manage through food and lifestyle. My first week on the therapeutic daily dose I pooped like I was on a cleanse. My body was letting me know the medicine was working and settling my nervous system.
And the Pandemmy Award Goes to… Claire my Laughter Yoga Teacher!

First of all, I’m grateful for the practice! Yoga is about breath and so is laughter! Life force energy is found in our laughter! Being silly and joyful intentionally is so good for your health and experience of the world. Especially when it feels out of control!
Virtual Cannabis Wellness Retreat August 26-27th

The Glowing Goddess Getaway is a cannabis wellness community centered around five high standards: Self Love, Empathy, Inclusivity, Good Fun, and Mindfulness.
Hi, I’m Bevin! Welcome to My Blog! This is a Fresh Intro Post!
When I was writing this I knew dance had to be in there. It was a true moment of personal liberation in 2002 when I started to really embrace dance floor freedom.
FAT SEX WEEK XXL: 6 Tips for Reclaiming FUPA, The Fat Upper Pubic Area

Katy, like many of us, had to work really hard to reclaim loving her body, a journey she’s still on. She had to specifically focus on her FUPA to make it a source of pride and not insecurity.
“I had all these milestones with my body. I went sleeveless for the first time, that was a big deal. I took photos of my back fat naked. I finally wore sandals for the first time because I was previously so insecure about my big feet, I didn’t want to expose them…”
The FUPA was difficult. If you google the term, you’ll see it is usually used derogatorily. It’s not gender specific, all types of bodies can have a FUPA.