It’s suicide prevention awareness month (well, September was and I have more to say) so content warning: suicide.
I thought I would post a series of posts with tools that help me when I have suicidal thoughts. This is just from my perspective, please simply take what you like and leave the rest. If you’re feeling suicidal and want someone to talk to here’s a list of lots of hotlines in lots of countries for all types of people. I encourage you to go to a nonprofit org over the government phone number.
Today I want to reflect on being an empath, psychic, highly sensitive person.
When I moved away from NYC I was so curious how it would feel to live someplace where all of my walls didn’t connect to someone else’s living space. As I leaned more into my spirituality I learned about what it means to connect easily with other’s energy and how that can manifest in my emotional experience—anxiety, insomnia, depression and discouraging thoughts among many other things.
I learned the basics of my spiritual hygiene practice while I was moving cross country (in an audio book from Theresa Caputo). It’s made such a big difference for me. When I came back to NYC to visit it felt like I had been living with someone energetically YELLING at me for 15 years and back then I thought it was normal.
First of all, at least some of the time when I am feeling anxiety or depression, I can clear my energy and it releases the stuck feelings. What a relief that is, to have the simple solution work!
This happens less and less the more my regular hygiene practice is in play. (I clear my energy multiple times a day now—at least after every client, and three times a day minimum.) It’s sort of nice to know that when I’m wrestling with my own demons they’re MINE to work with and not someone else’s.
Energetically, empaths are like katamari balls, rolling around gathering other’s energy. I wish I had understood this as a little kid. I would suggest anyone incorporate these practices in your daily hygiene, but especially if you’re raising little ones you suspect are empaths, psychic, etc… I wish I had known this stuff when one of my nieces was having night terrors.
I have experienced the death via suicide of dozens of my friends. I know at least a few were dealing with entities they had made a deal with. I want to underscore the power of our imagination and that the dark voices might not be for you to deal with and might be an opportunistic infection.
NEVER SIGN ANYTHING IN YOUR IMAGINATION. Like Ariel entered into a binding agreement with Ursula and in fact was in breach of contract in that narrative, just don’t do it. The deal may seem tempting but it’s not worth the pain I’ve witnessed.
For more on this kind of stuff my podcast episode with my psychic friend Chrissy Tolley talks at length about tangling with demons/dark energy/sinister opportunism. (Episode 137.)
I wanted to include this post in this series on suicide because it sometimes is opportunistic energy. When we are depressed, anxious and/or stressed our immune system is lowered and so is our spiritual immunity.
Here’s a link to a free post on my Patreon feed that walks you through how I protect myself spiritually and why it is important. It’s a swift visualization and breathing process.
It’s part of a larger series of teachings about my spiritual self care practices. The series is from 2021 and I’m adding to it this season with Practical Magic Fall, the various practices I use in my day to day life. Including the power of imagination to help our protection!
I hope you never get into a space where you need help with suicidal thoughts, but if you ever are I hope this series helps. My SEO on this blog is pretty good so maybe hopefully if you search “Bevin suicide prevention tips” it comes up if you need it. And here’s hoping/intending/knowing I’ll always have the money to keep renewing the hosting on this blog so this can be there!
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