During the last terrible no good very bad Mercury Retrograde, my pink desktop computer bit the dust. It was a shame, especially because I had just gotten comfortable using Audacity to edit FemmeCast, and also I have all of my backlog of podcast recordings on there.

I was given a technology upgrade in the form of a permanent loan of a Mac by my friend and hardware savior, Chris La Femme. The bonus awesome of the Mac is that I can finally start doing video podcasting, since the editing on the PC required expensive software my no-budget with no advertising podcast doesn’t allow.

The learning curve is steep, even on the rumored to be intuitive Garage Band, so the next episode of FemmeCast has taken longer to churn out. But I was able to do my first video!

This is me and Taueret, my new Ferocity Correspondent. We’re doing a stretch she taught me that she learned on the Equality Ride.

I’m now working on a series of “My favorite tattoos” starring many of my favorite queer fat femmes. Stay tuned!

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