The Tidy Cats Breeze branded litter box pads are 500% better than the Amazon Basics pads
Anyway, I give myself props for finally getting around to buying the branded Tidy Cats Breeze pads . I changed the pad after one week and never smelled pee! They truly trap odor!
I Need to Tell You About the Tidy Cats Breeze Litter Box System

It’s been over six months of cat litter dream life–I do not say this lightly, I LOVE MY CAT LITTER SYSTEM.
Here’s how it works. You have a litter box, but instead of tiny pieces of clay litter, it’s got bigger pellets made of some kind of sustainable material (I can’t find it while writing this article but I remember from my internet rabbit hole that it was plastic and foam). The pellets are about the size of a piece of rabbit food. You don’t use a ton and they last for about a month, with regular refills from your stash.