Guest Post: Zoe’s Break-up Survival Guide
When FemmeCast was just getting started, Bevin decided to do an episode about breakups and she asked me to share with listeners my tips for getting over a broken heart. As, at the time, the self-described “Queen of Heartbreak,” I felt well qualified to address this issue.
Metaphor of the Month: Eggs and Baskets
Don’t put all of your eggs in one basket. It’s really good dating advice and especially so for girls like me and Spunky who are prone to Big Crushes.
Catching the Brass Ring
We will love ourselves first. We don’t hold back but know there’s no rush. We are a dynamic duo. We rock our own shit but look great together. We close down bars and go for daybreak walks. We spend long Sundays in bed, talking, fucking and napping. We brunch with friends. Long talks about gender, sexuality, gossip, celebrity, art, media, social justice, movies, 80s nostalgic kitsch and how to incorporate 50s retro style in a modern decor.
Upcoming Gigs and the Trifecta Falling Apart
I call these the “Big Three Issues”, Home, Job, Romance. When one is down it’s hard enough to deal with. The trifecta is really throwing me for a loop and I’m hanging onto my besties’ hands for dear life right now.