Grieving the Cat: What I Did to Process Releasing this Great Love

One thing I realized is that every time I lose one pet it’s like the grief for all the others becomes sharper. I don’t think we ever “get over” a loss that hurts deep. I think we get used to livinig life along with it and our joy practice gets bigger. Which means, since grief is like a spiral, we return to it at different places. My house felt so empty with no pets and that was a stark, lonely experience I had to be with.

Simple Self Care: Inner Child Check-in

My first life coach tried to get me to talk to my inner child with compassion and I truly could NOT speak to myself with compassion. Healing takes way longer than I expect and it’s better to just start, I’m so glad I started messy and inconsistent.

Spirit Told Me To is Enough of a Reason

Your intuitive action isn’t even going to be the most bonkers thing someone experiences that day, it’s likely less bonkers than half the stuff on Fox News. And also we are long past letting people thinking we are nuts keep us from doing the thing we know is right for us.

Most people who offer opinions on my life don’t have a life (or a self image) I would trade with them.

How to Get Promoted from an Internship

I was on LinkedIn (are we pals there–let’s link up!) and their robot overlords asked me to answer the question how folks can move from an internship to paid work* in event planning. I think this advice could apply to any industry! And I didn’t want to let LinkedIn profit off my advice if I could host it here on my blog!

My Chicken Soup Recipe!

I made this chicken soup to offer my neighbors for our outdoor showing of the Barbie movie. I am still getting compliments on it from people and one of my neighbors wanted the recipe.

How to Create Conditions for Forgiveness

When I endeavored to write this post I was trying to come up with some sort of tidy protocol for developing a more compassionate lifestyle but it doesn’t feel like a protocol, it is more of a way of life and a lens with which to view the world.

Simple Self Care: Spiritual Hygeine

Energy affects us so much and 99% of us are not taught how to manage our energy and cleanse our energy. In these bonkers times if I were to tell you ONE spiritual practice to start is is my very simple spiritual hygiene meditation. It’s free.

Four of Cups Livin’

4 of Cups Livin’ is, once again, releasing control and struggle so I can experience contentment and sufficiency. Fully present! Mindful!