Welcome back to my blog series Simple Self Care. Invest under five minutes at a time and radically change the experience of your life. Start sloppy and intermittent and just get more consistent over time. Check out the tag for more!

Stargazing is one of my favorite clinically proven stress reducers and ways of connecting to something bigger than me. Our bodies are made of stardust and we are the way the stars are looking back at themselves when we take the time to look up at them!
I love to be outside on a clear night during twilight and watch the stars come out. The planets arrive first, since they are closer and appear bigger and brighter. I like to think about my ancestors who didn’t have night sky apps to identify objects. Who just learned how to look out for Jupiter and Saturn and knew that when they are in certain configurations it calls for specific rituals.
Saturn and Jupiter have been so bright lately, Saturn appearing to the West at twilight and Jupiter is aloft in the East. Right now they are the ideal distance for me to make my body big like a star and cradle each planet in my hands!
Nearly all of my aerobics classes include getting big like a star, arms aloft and stretched out, legs apart. It’s a stance that has many benefits!

Stargazing itself is simple self care—I check the night sky every night as I wind down to see if I can say goodnight to the stars for a minute or a few. (I just did a podcast about designing under ten minute morning, mid day and evening routines.) I love to dance under the stars, I love to lay and stare out of a well-placed window with a good starry view.
But this big like a star taking up space stance under Jupiter (in Gemini) and Saturn (in Pisces) feels very special right now, and opening yourself up to 30-60 seconds of meditation with these bright celestial objects has bigger implications.
Try it and tell me how you feel and what info is coming through!
I don’t go a day of my life without talking about celestial objects. I’m a total astrology nerd and LOVE talking about the metaphysical folklore of how the planets and the sun affect our experience and personality. But I think the experience of SEEING the planets and how our perception of them moves as our beloved Earth, a floating rock through space, moves, it’s so powerful.
This is a great podcast episode with one of my fav astrologers to gab with about the planets, Colin of Queer Cosmos. We go over pretty much every sign, talk about death and living and finding the fun.
I strongly believe we didn’t incarnate to suffer and science shows us that your good feeling and your meditation practice has a measurable impact on the world around you.
Holding the hard stuff while shining our light is a strong spiritual practice and I think Mother Earth and our other celestial objects can help!
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