Fail forward

In life no matter what you’ll absolutely be disappointed, treated unfairly, just plain knocked on your ass. If you choose not to learn from it, you will continue to be presented the same lessons in different circumstances until you do. So it’s just best practice to learn from it, evaluate it and get better.

Fail Every Week

I watched an interview with Sara Blakely the founder of Spanx today. She related the story of her father asking at the dinner table every week what she failed at. She would seek to try things so that she could report her failures. The lesson of this was that the only actual failure is to not try.

Q & A with Gaga Feminism Author J. Jack Halberstam and Book Giveaway

When I was asked to be part of the Gaga Feminism blog tour, I engaged my collaborator and dear friend Taylor Black to help me write some questions for We’ve had bourbon/coke zero/cherry juice discussions about Jack Halberstam’s work before and Gaga Feminism, out this week from Beacon Press, is the latest in the academic arsenal of the USC professor, blogger, and ubiquitous Queer Studies scholar.

Check out what Jack has to say about desire, feminism, Lady Gaga and failure below, and Beacon Press is giving away a copy of the book at the bottom of this post!