Meet Iris and Virginia, the Cuties behind Cuties

I love gender inclusive body positive community space. Being explicit about this gathering principal helps people feel at ease in new social circles. When I was planning my move to LA many people complained about a dearth of queer community events and spaces, but thanks to Iris and Virginia’s hard work, there’s a thriving new crowd about to inhabit a permanent brick and mortar space–Cuties coffee bar!

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How Dunkin Donuts Turned Me Into a Sports Fan

It’s pretty clear I love tea. I especially love iced tea in the summertime. Four years ago, Dunkin Donuts really upped their iced tea game and I was hooked. They are everywhere in the North East–there are literally three between my house and my partner’s house and we only live about a 12 minute drive apart. Because they are so pervasive I find myself there getting an iced tea or a coffee every couple of days. Also they have almond milk, which is great for me as dairy is a no go much of the year due to my allergies.

I love tea, and I also LOVE a coupon.

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