Four of Cups Livin’

4 of Cups Livin’ is, once again, releasing control and struggle so I can experience contentment and sufficiency. Fully present! Mindful!
Suicide Awareness: What if It’s Not Your Energy That’s Dragging You Down?

I wanted to include this post in this series on suicide because it sometimes is opportunistic energy. When we are depressed, anxious and/or stressed our immune system is lowered and so is our spiritual immunity.
Suicide Prevention Awareness: How I Address Suicidal Thoughts

I believe our thoughts and our internal rage have messages and there’s something under the chatter about my unworthiness that’s an unmet need, something to be witnessed, or something I might need more support to work through.
Getting Out Ahead of Seasonal Depression
r SAD to give you now. Enhanced by my further studies living in Washington State so close to Canada I can see it on a clear day.
Five Things I do Every Winter to Avoid Seasonal Depression
Seasonal depression is about lack of sunlight. I am a creature who comes alive in the sun, even though I used to resent it so much and I can get wickedly sunburnt. But I sincerely appreciate it and definitely need it for my own well-being.
I was hanging out with someone who was so delighted by the warmish, bright day we had on Monday that she pumped up the heat in her apartment, threw open her window and laid down in the sunbeam. Naked. (The UV rays won’t penetrate glass so you need the exposure to the direct light.) I thought that was the most delicious way I’d heard to combat seasonal affective disorder.
I thought it would be helpful to share my Winter regimen, which has five main components. Click here to read more.
Thanksgiving Day Body Support
It’s hard to have a body at any old time of the year but especially given the trigger fest of eating and family and large meals and seeing people for the first time in a long time.
I was asked by Melissa A. Fabello of Everyday Feminism to be part of a Body Activist conglomerate on Twitter to provide support through a hash tag all day and evening on Thanksgiving!
I’ll be posting from the intersectionality of my work–about learning to love your body, being queer in the world, gender, and developing authenticity around family of origin.
All the information is below! Please signal boost!
Ways I’m Embracing My Imperfect Meditation Practice
People are always going on and on about the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health benefits of a meditation practice. I’ve been working on becoming a gold star meditator in fits and starts for years. If my meditation practice had a star it would probably be glitter, shiny and a little distracting.
First of all, I’m a shitty, inconsistent meditator with a lot going on in my head. But I have noticed that since I’ve been attempting to meditate for three years, I am a lot calmer and better at it than I used to be. The trying is the important part. I don’t do it every day though I wish I did. I’ve assembled a few of my meditation tips to encourage other people to seek their inner peace even if they, too, are shitty, inconsistent meditators.