What People Are Saying About Fat Kid Dance Party and How You Can Help Launch The Next Stage!

Letting my regulars do the talking! “I’m so grateful to have found your class! I’ve been working on loving my body the way it is for a while now but it’s all been very cerebral like like reading, podcasts, etc… It’s really nice to have a fitness/movement class to physically go to that supports my body love journey. I also really appreciate the community I’ve met there so far, people of all sizes in an inclusive and supportive environment…and class is SO FUN!”
Click here to learn more about the fitness revolution fighting body shame!
Livestream of Fat Kid Dance Party September 9th!

After 2.6 Million people watched the video PopSugar created about my dance aerobics class Fat Kid Dance Party (For All Sizes to Heal From Body Oppression), the most common response I received was “How can I get this class where I’m at?”
I’m bringing it to you wherever you are with an internet connection! This is a live aerobics class, broadcast through a concert livestream website.
Two Important Weeks for Fat Kid Dance Party (For All Sizes to Heal from Body Oppression)

There are four rules for Fat Kid Dance Party (For All Sizes to Heal from Body Oppression).
RULE NUMBER ONE: There’s no wrong way to do Fat Kid Dance Party.** I teach at a low-impact cardio level and offer variations and free dance to raise the cardio for folks who need more to sweat and I offer chairs that are rated up to 500 pounds for folks who want to work out from a chair. All my numbers have flamboyant arms, you’ll get a workout from a chair, too!
RULE NUMBER TWO: We cheer for awkward! If you feel awkward at any time, just say, “I feel awkward” and we’ll all cheer.*** Also, if you go right when I go left or whatever, you’re just making my choreography look more complicated than it is!