(This post is a series of daily letters from me to my future children reporting from the emerging paradigm.)

Dear Kids:

Every tarot reading I’ve given myself in the past few months has next right action something to do with studying. I’m a lifelong learner but right now I’m deep in study. Perhaps even studying harder and more frequently than when I was in law school.

Connection is at the core–how to connect with people, how to communicate, refining my storytelling and listening skills. I’m also studying health and wellness products, Tantra, stretching modalities for trauma healing, and Grateful Dead.

Mostly those areas align with my professional goals, but the Grateful Dead thing is more of an ongoing revelation. I’m seeking to understand what it means to be a Dead Head and using Andy Cohen’s prescription for learning about the Dead one song at a time and it’s been a fabulous way to learn. It reminds me of how folks would spread the gospel of Ani DiFranco back in the mix tape era.

My current learning curves involve life, too, since I just moved into a travel trailer a month ago and so much is different in this lifestyle. I feel like there’s a new problem every day I need to learn to solve, not the least of which is continuing to organize my stuff in a smaller and smaller place. I’m getting simplified and that’s a learning curve. So is learning how to light the oven (no pilot light), not flush toilet paper and empty a “black tank” without any spillage.

I’m also streamlining my time with limited internet access. I am writing this from my mom’s art studio where I go to work until the internet service provider gets to my installation–delayed over a month due to covid quarantine.

I was used to being able to work and take care of myself at the same time. It’s been a big schedule disrupt to commute and plan ahead. I got really hangry frequently for a couple of weeks until I finally got a better handle on my schedule.

Anyway, learning curves are hard because it’s out of your comfort zone. But it’s also where life begins and our greatness unfolds. I want you to have a great example of lifelong learning in me.

Something that helps me remember to take it easy on myself when I’m frustrated about having to learn yet another new thing in order to cook a meal at home is to take a deep breath and consider, “How can I make this simpler?”

Oh, also, getting lots of sleep. Learning brains need rest and replenishment. Not playing video games, actual sleep. (I’m saying that to me.)

This time, where we’re learning how to create a new world together, is all about learning curves and leaning into the discomfort.



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