“I love America more than any other country in this world, and, exactly for this reason, I insist on the right to criticize her perpetually.”–James Baldwin
American democracy is getting it wrong. It represents corporations and highest bidders, ignores the will of the people.
I’ve been brewing my own ideas about a new form of government and I am going to dream out loud with y’all. These are my Federalist Papers and like they sung in the musical Hamilton, “Write day and night like you’re running out of time? Ev’ry day you fight, like you’re running out of time. Keep on fighting. In the meantime.”

Some of the best minds I know don’t have fancy degrees; they are free thinkers who have evaluated experience. But I am not some random on the internet with political opinions, I have a Bachelor’s degree in Political Science, a law degree, and I worked for the California State Attorney General.
I dual majored in Women and Gender studies with an emphasis on cultural representations of gender. I realized after that dual degree that culture was way more powerful than politics because it’s empowering individuals and not positional leadership. So I left a potential career in politics and am now a full time cultural creator.
I saw a video yesterday of two U.S. Senators on the floor of government telling one another to “stand your butt up” and fight. Last week the House voted to censure the only Palestinian American in congress over her remarks speaking up against the war.

Here’s the thing in the 1800s we didn’t have these tiny computers in our hands to film and didn’t have a social network to share it.
We still have an Electoral College after the Democrats twice in my years as a voting adult won a popular election but lost in the EC. And yet they haven’t changed it. The Republicans bullied the Democrats into not allowing Obama to fill a Supreme Court vacancy but the Dems rolled over and let lame duck Trmp appoint a Supreme Court justice, who ended up being in the crew to overturn Roe v. Wade.
I am done believing Democrats’ lies. I am ready for a new system entirely that represents actual human diversity. This government is a failure. Let’s learn from it and move on.
The two party system has become a distinction without difference. They simply rule through corruption on behalf of corporations not the people. I talk to strangers as a way to heal from my social anxiety and the thing folks on all political spectrums agree on is universal healthcare. (My fav way to talk to strangers at the gas pump is to ask if gas is any cheaper on their side.) Yet we don’t have it.

What we need to align on is our values and become values-based voters. (That’s what I do now, even though I don’t feel I have real choice at the polls. I long for Marianne Williamson to end up on the primary ballot by the time the election gets to me.)
There are 12 signs in the Zodiac that represent perfect balance when brought together. I think that’s what we should do as a country.
It’s time to get in the kitchen and rearrange some things.

I want a party centered around mental wellness for all Americans. I saw a study that more than 70% of Americans suffer from mental health challenges. That statistic along with other factors makes the majority of the citizens of the United States qualify as living in “third world” (developing) country conditions.
Convincing low wage workers that they should believe in the policies that benefit rich people is a delusion that I hope is lifting.
I’d like to see walk-in mental health clinics as prevalent as urgent care clinics. And universal healthcare so no one has to choose to suffer versus taking on medical debt they can’t get out of.
With twelve parties it’s at least slightly likely that constituents would feel listened to by their representatives. Human’s have a core need of being listened to.
We have to get money out of politics. We have to create a government that is by the people, for the people, and represents the way our information streams are now not how they were in 1787.

Imagine what could happen if nothing in government moved forward without consensus from seven of twelve segments of society? The coalitions that could forge to benefit everyone.
Imagine if our first president of the People’s Republic of the United States: By the People for the People was none other than Professor Angela Yvonne Davis? I bet there would be a party around prison abolition. We could focus on the support we need as a society that will address the root cause of crime.
All behavior is a result of unmet needs and our current government is not meeting the needs of our populace. Israel has universal healthcare but our tax dollars pay for their weapons.
I don’t propose to know what all the parties should be. If we were at Girl Scout Camp having this discussion I would begin by doing a “you can’t get this wrong” brainstorm session. We put all the ideas on the screen. Everyone would vote for their top 20 party issue ideas and we would keep whittling it down. As we are getting to the second round of whittling I would open up the floor to impassioned ideas of constituents.
We could do it, figure out 12 parties. Figure out how to run our government in a way that achieves true harmony, solidarity, and serves the needs of all Americans. Except the mean ones.
I’m not trying to sow dissent against the current government or administration. I’m trying to sow desire. I want each and every one of you to know the dreams and desires on your heart, however delusional they feel, are brewing in you for a reason. You are meant to bring them earthside.
Curious about this? Listen to my podcast episode (number 109) with Leah Garza on Questioning Reality.

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