Oh my goddess y’all! This is breaking news I wanna share with you NOW so maybe you can find a witch crew in your neck of the woods and together put out some light energy in these bonkers times!

My local bestie Alexis (she’s a Port Townsend expert and has helped me understand this gorgeous neck of the Olympic Peninsula soooo much) slid into my texts inviting me to a pop-up witch flash mob practice session.
“This could be us,” she said with a video of dancing witches.
According to our teacher and the word wide website of a Canadian metaphysical shoppe,
The “Witch Dance” is a choreographed dance, first performed in 2016 by the women of Wolfshager Hexenbrut (in English; The Wolf Hunter’s Coven), located in Wolfshagen in Harz, Germany. *Seen in above video. It is always performed to Peter Fox’s song “Schuttel dienen Speck,” which translates to “shake Your Bacon.”
Our local group is known as the Dancing Witches of the Olympic Peninsula and I only just met them at the dance class yesterday! I picked it up in one hour, and will likely need a couple more hours of practice at home and with the group to know it in my body. I think one of many reasons that make me a great aerobics instructor is that I don’t necessarily feel like a natural on the dance floor, I just show up and do it anyway. And I dedicate myself to the pursuit. Gives me good empathy for folks who also feel awkward on the dance floor!
I consider myself a “deliberate dancer” and it doesn’t matter if I’m “good” or not.

During our witch dance practice yesterday I was thinking about how these pop-up dance classes and performances are such a great way for folks who are witch identified to go out and meet potential new friends and community locally!
Community requires you keep showing up. “If you WANT community, you have to BE community.”–Myleik Teele
We are organized by a volunteer teacher (who has the greatest witch cackle I’ve ever heard in person) and a couple of volunteer wranglers and a facebook group for central information distribution.
I have volunteered so many hours in service to creating community in my life. Community care is the way we are going to get through these uncertain times. Bringing people together is sacred alchemy, and has been primarily “women’s work” for millenia. I have intense gratitude for everyone who serves to create community.

How do you find out your local witch pop-up group? Creative googling! Search the comments of videos of these pop-up performances on the world wide web! Start one yourself, the song and the video instructions are available online! It’s a brief time period and not a big time commitment!
Show up and remember nobody ever died of awkward. The first few times I am in new community I feel all the social anxiety and terror. It’s easier for me with a bestie!
Who is a witch? I think it’s self identified! I love the definitions “A woman who is not afraid of her own power” and “Woman In Total Control of Herself” while also recognizing there’s no gatekeeping for womanhood, or requirement that one be a woman in order to be a witch. If you feel it and resonnate with it, own it! Show up! The divine feminine is in each of us, as well as the divine masculine.

Some folks (I’m looking at anyone with strong Cancer placements) feel left out before they even show up. I can’t fix that for you. But I can encourage you to give folks the benefit of the doubt! And remind you of the work of Doctor Brene Brown (a Scorpio) who teaches that vulnerability is the only way to create connection.
You gotta put yourself out there in order to have the intimacy you crave with community or friendships or relationships. And a pop-up witch dance is such a low stakes way to experience folks you might have FUN with and life is supposed to be FUN and NOT TOIL!!!
I am considering my costume ideas and how to make a cute witch broom for our performances. We have two! The local Halloween parade! AND there’s a “witch walk” in Port Townsend at 2PM on Saturday October 14, which is something you can look up in your local municipality as it is designed to support small businesses.
Witches for sure support small businesses because we know that every bit of our energy is currency!

Oooh, and if you’re doing the witch dance, I would encourage you at the end with the “snake arms” to envision light energy coming out of your hands. Hands are an extension of our hearts and sending our light energy out is needed now more than ever.
**Insert witchy cackle!**
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