Glitter Spank! Brooklyn Dance Party Rebel Cupcake Thursday September 20th
Y’all, I found a gif on Tumblr awhile ago and was inspired to try it out. It involves two really fun things–glitter and spanking!
A friend of mine in Texas said it’s harder than it looks but I’m all about trying! And lots of glitter.
I booked a couple of notoriously good spankers for the party’s entertainment.
Rebel Cupcake TV!
I know most of my readers aren’t in Brooklyn. I also know if they are, many of them are like comedian Kelli Dunham and refer to 11 PM as “The middle of the night.” I’ve excitedly had the last few installments of Rebel Cupcake videotaped and edited by the talented Laura Delarato and I thought in my absence I would leave you with a few episodes to watch!
Video Post: The World Famous *BOB* on Freak Magnets
Listening to *BOB* tell her story about freak magnets and how freaks are drawn to each other was very soothing… I have already turned back to this video many times over the last couple of weeks for solace.
Brooklyn! Next Thursday, February 9th, Rebel Cupcake Celebrates Prince!
And speaking of Rebel Cupcake, it’s next week! You should come! all the details are below and on the Rebel Cupcake page.
I love Prince a lot and I think the best dance floor action for Rebel Cupcake of all time was last year’s Prince tribute.