Pop-Up Halloween Parade Witch Dancing Flash Mob Community Opportunity

You gotta put yourself out there in order to have the intimacy you crave with community or friendships or relationships. And a pop-up witch dance is such a low stakes way to experience folks you might have FUN with and life is supposed to be FUN and NOT TOIL!!!
Book Review: Reveal: A Sacred Manual for Getting Spiritually Naked by Meggan Watterson
Hay House Books sent me a review copy of Reveal: A Sacred Manual for Getting Spiritually Naked.
The author travels on two different pilgrimmages to Divine Feminine sacred sites in Europe and tales of those journeys are part of all of the awakenings in the book. She trumpets many times that she went all that way to find something that was inside herself the whole time.
That’s what was most captivating for me reading this book. I wanted to find a way to not get so rocked to my core every time something happened “to” me or someone in my life left. I’ve done a lot of this work, through building my self-esteem and self-worth, but I know there’s something in my spirituality leading me to that solid, unshakeable core as well. That is the ultimate destination in the relentless pursuit of my joy.