Three Methods I Use to Have an Easier Experience with Life

In general, I find when I assume strangers are intending to be loving and kind it makes my experience of living in an oppressive world a lot easier for me.
Pronoia helps me keep my brain decluttered from other people’s judgments. I could spend a lot of time micro analyzing how strangers look at me or if I hear an audible sigh from someone seated next to me on a plane. Most of the time I assume their looks and sounds don’t have anything to do with me or my size. Maybe that’s not true, but probably it is true the majority of the time.
Livestream of Fat Kid Dance Party September 9th!

After 2.6 Million people watched the video PopSugar created about my dance aerobics class Fat Kid Dance Party (For All Sizes to Heal From Body Oppression), the most common response I received was “How can I get this class where I’m at?”
I’m bringing it to you wherever you are with an internet connection! This is a live aerobics class, broadcast through a concert livestream website.