I love working one on one with folks to help you experience relief and unfold the unique gifts you were born to offer!

Business Brainstorm Sessions

I have a distinctive ability to connect to your highest self-expression that is longing to come through. I have a ton of experience and study with entrepreneurship and self-employment.

I can help with:

*Social media content ideas and marketing plans

*Patreon offering ideas and structure

*Creating an independent work flow without a boss bossing you or a manager managing you

*A self care plan to avoid burn out–slow and steady is way faster than the hustle burn out cycle (ask me how I know)!

*Help curate para-social relationships with your most loyal fan base and clients that are meaningful for you and allow for the boundaries and space you need to have a safer space to create new content/offerings.

Bring a pen and paper to write down what comes through!

Reiki Healing Sessions

Reiki helps restore balance, relieves stress, depression and anxiety. I’m a Reiki Master healer and work in several traditions that add to the healing I can offer.

Energy healing works marvelously at a distance and I love working through Zoom! Comfy in your own environment I can get the gunk out of the way of the natural healing your cells know how to offer you.

Health Coaching

These sessions are free–I ask for a 99 dollar down payment that will go entirely towards your order of products.

I work with (my opinion/experience) the best vitamin, supplement, skincare, and home brands in the world. I would love to be the matchmaker that helps you get relief that is as easy as remembering to take your vitamins or use your products. And I can help you with the behavior modification needed to follow through with habits that support you. All for free as my client!

I am so passionate about helping folks find relief of symptoms, more energy, focus and vitality! Let’s feel younger as we experience more revolutions around the sun!

Booking and Rates

I only see a maximum of three clients per week and my schedule depends on the weather and my body–I prioritize and center teaching my aerobics class. AND, I love working one on one with people. So no robot calendar for me! I do it all myself! Email to schedule: FatKidDanceParty at gmail dot com

My rates are sliding scale 60-90 per half hour. Sliding scale is self-determined based on your means and wealth. A great resource to understand sliding scale is my beloved roommate of four years Hadassah Damien’s blog post about sliding scale and scarcity experience!

Pre-Recorded Reiki Healings!

If booking one-on-one isn’t financially available for you please check out my pre-recorded Reiki healings on my Patreon. Membership starts at ten bucks a month–cancel anytime!

I also have a podcast full of great entrepreneurial insights available for free! Here is the episode with my brain dump about getting started on Patreon!

I’m so excited to help you!!


“Working with Bevin has allowed me to see myself as she sees me.”–Chrissy T., Professional Psychic

“I just had the pleasure of working with Bevin. We did a social media coaching session for my small business. She spent time thoroughly going through my social media and gave me amazing feedback on how I can improve my online prescience and market myself with confidence. I had also been experiencing a huge creative block with posting and now thinks to her it’s completely lifted. She blended a reiki connection with her business coaching skills that created a unique and valuable experience that you will only get with her. I can’t recommend her enough!” –Sarah C., Acupuncturist

“The next day I actually had a good day!  I ended up overdoing it, as I tend to do, but I felt lighter in spirit.  I was able to sit and paint with my daughter.  I was able to play some music and laugh with her as she danced. The next day I also felt better.  Lighter.  And that night I finally shared a project I’ve been working on for months… I can’t tell you how huge of a step this is for me…. I have spent a lifetime hiding my projects and ideas due to severe anxiety and poor self worth.  And I suddenly felt something shifted and I just lept. Thank you from the expanses of my tired little heart.”–Whitney, Distance Reiki Client