I’m not convinced that Santa “isn’t real.” I think the spirit of generosity alive in each of us, woven together, is what makes the holidays so magic. I think of Santa Claus specifically as an energy of generosity that works through people in little nudges, grand gestures, all sorts of merriment, and even last minute stressed out putting together a big under tree presentation to foster childlike wonder.

Everyone who puts up holiday lights is a hero, I love to see them, they delight me and I have lots of gratitude that the world is prettier this time of year. It’s liberal labor putting this stuff up and I don’t take it for granted!
I wish we would culturally leave them up until February since it stays dark and cold long after the holidays. Dolly Rebecca Parton leaves her decorations up until her birthday January 19. A Capricorn Boss Babe.
I’m certain Santa isn’t a fat white guy. The spirit of Santa working through people of all different ages, genders and sizes with the overwhelming majority of holiday labor born by women specifically.
I’m particularly moved by the depiction of Santa energy in the movie Noelle on Disney+. (I sobbed the first time I saw that movie–it really opened up my heart a couple more sizes.)
My mom is a hero for many reasons, and one thing I’m so grateful for is her lavish labor over the holidays. My dad bailed on raising me and my mom not only was a great provider for me but also covered for him in those early days where it would have broken my lil heart to have him forget my birthday (Christmas Eve) and Christmas.

My mom did so much to make sure my birthday was distinct from Christmas. My birthday presents are still to this day wrapped in inside out holiday paper. We don’t exchange Christmas presents til the day of. I’m not judging other people’s Christmas Eve present swapping but that’s just not how it’s done with our small family, Christmas Eve is about my birthday.
Having such intentional holiday joy facilitated by my mom helped me have really positive energy towards the holidays. I’ve leaned on early decorating some years when I was going through a tough time and just needed some sparkly distraction to brighten my mood. The year my then partner was diagnosed with breast cancer. The year my Grandmother was diagnosed with lung cancer.
My mom is very generous, and she follows those little inner Santa nudges all year long! In this time where I live down the street from her and am working hard supporting my business, she drops off little treats from Costco! Maple syrup is my favorite thing and she’s so sweet to gift it to me! I’m eating an orange right now that she left on my porch!
When you’re a hardworking entrepreneur you have to have dreams you visualize and I always visualize giving my mom envelopes of cash to go and bless people.

I follow a bunch of intentional/gentle parenting accounts because one of my many wishes is to someday get to be a mom. There’s a hot debate about whether it’s respectful to kids to lie to them about Santa.
I definitely think kids deserve to be respected and parented in such a way as to facilitate a lifelong relationship with them. (As someone who in my 20s didn’t want a relationship with either of my parents, this is a big goal for me with parenting–my current relationship with my mom is one of my greatest successes.)
I don’t think it’s disrespectful to “lie” about Santa (or the tooth fairy or whatever). Some folks tell their kids it’s a “play pretend” thing, but honestly I can’t wait! I want to have a Grinch brunch where the kids leave out a greasy black banana peel and in the morning get something second hand left by the Grinch. I want to do something with Dominic the Donkey. All this stuff is made up we can make up more fun stuff!
I also plan to do elaborate fairy stuff with my kids all year long. Kids age 0-7 are the most spiritually connected they will ever be because they haven’t been fully brainwashed by coloniality and capitalism. I think facilitating their childlike wonder is a big teacher to us! I believe kids are our greatest teachers, handpicked for us, and I can’t wait to meet mine! (I mean, I will continue to wait patiently for God’s timing; God only knows and she makes her plan.)

Anyway, this has been on my mind and I wanted to share! It’s totally okay to be 43 and still believe in Santa Claus because cool stuff keeps showing up on your porch because the spirit of Santa’s generosity is flowing through someone who loves you!
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