I ghost wrote this for Deb to post on Fatshionista for “Dump Truck Friday” (when you can post events). But since I am seriously overwhelmed with excitement over all of the clothes that have just arrived in the store I cannot handle it, I had to repost it here. After 9 years in the plus size fashion industry, Deb can curate an astounding shopping event!
The designers have arrived!!
Here at Re/Dress NYC we are gearing up for our Indie Designer Trunk Show!! I’ve been planning this show since before the store was open as a way to highlight some of the great independent designers for plus size customers and bring them in person to sell their wares in New York City. This is a rare opportunity to see these amazing pieces in person and try them on!
When I set the date I had no idea it was fashion week in Manhattan. We’ve turned our trunk show and the Glutton For Fatshion Zine Release Party (Friday, Sept 11th at 8PM) into a mini Radical Fatshion Weekend in Brooklyn! Click here for all the information on the Zine Release Party.
Watching the trunk show come together I had no idea how it would manifest, but seeing the designers unload together and the looks on our customers’ faces has been priceless. We’ve taken some photos today and hope you enjoy this mini photo essay. If you’re in New York City this weekend, please make it out to Brooklyn to support the designers! Even if the cold cruel world of fashion doesn’t care about us, we can care about each other and maybe they’ll catch up and get wise.
Cupcake & Cuddlebunny (Rachel Cupcake, from Cleveland) arrives and brings amazing t-shirts, couture and her fabulous hand altered vintage.
Rachel has all of these amazingly adorable appliques–little owls and birdies and cupcakes and apples. There’s been a lot of squealing in delight.
Size Queen Clothing from Portland (Bertha Pearl) arrives with kitchen slut aprons made for plus size waistlines and for all genders, amazing skirts, fabulous vintage inspired dresses, bamboo faux wrap dresses, sexy couture, bix boxers and robes. A little bit of everything made with a whole lot of love and attention to plus size bodies and needs in size 1X-7X!!
These dresses feel so amazing. Bamboo is a sustainable and ecofriendly fabric. They are a great flexible fashion, wear to work or wear out. A flattering fit for a variety of body types. This is a limited run of a really ingenius dress.
Diesel Femme Wear (Sossity Chiricuzio) from Portland, beautiful one of a kind embellished slip dresses 1X-5X, slip skirts, camisoles, masculine shirts and ties.
Bevin declared that she had “Fatshion Vapors“* when we unpacked this dress.
Today the Glutton for Fatshion zines arrived!! We thought it was sort of the Re/Dress answer to those “Magalogs” that the chain plus stores put out. It’s radical fatshion from a DIY, privilege acknowledging, POC centered and fun with fatshion point of view. I did an interview with the designers from our trunk show for the Zine, there’s plus size paper dolls, a crossword, poetry and tales from the fat closet.
Kelli Dunham did a great interview with the editors of the zine, Taueret and Erin, right here on examiner.com.
The store is located at 109 Boerum Place in Brooklyn, off the F/G at Bergen Street and plenty of street parking available. You can use credit cards to buy from the designers! We’re open 12-9 Thurs-Sat and 12-7 Sun-Mon.
*We’ll call Fatshion Vapors an addition to the Queer Lexicography. It’s when you have the wide eyed “love at first sight” feeling at seeing the perfect plus size garment come into view. I totally bought that slip dress today. I’m wearing it tomorrow night to perform at the Glutton For Fatshion Release Party. I’m doing my “Life in a Body Bigger than Average” piece.