Catching the Brass Ring

We will love ourselves first. We don’t hold back but know there’s no rush. We are a dynamic duo. We rock our own shit but look great together. We close down bars and go for daybreak walks. We spend long Sundays in bed, talking, fucking and napping. We brunch with friends. Long talks about gender, sexuality, gossip, celebrity, art, media, social justice, movies, 80s nostalgic kitsch and how to incorporate 50s retro style in a modern decor.

Upcoming Gigs and the Trifecta Falling Apart

I call these the “Big Three Issues”, Home, Job, Romance. When one is down it’s hard enough to deal with. The trifecta is really throwing me for a loop and I’m hanging onto my besties’ hands for dear life right now.

Unicorn Dick

The next few weeks and follow-up visit have had me thinking a lot about Unicorn Dick in the context of the Queer Fat Femme lifestyle. Anyone who has done the dating thing as a Queer Femme knows how hard it is to find someone that embodies the killer combo of personality, looks, chemistry, smarts and timing.

FemmeCast Episode 6: The Lesbian Footwarming Syndrome NOW AVAILABLE!

“Don’t let improvements in public health cloud your romantic judgment.”–Kelli Dunham, Episode 6 of FemmeCast Episode 6: The Lesbian Footwarming Syndrome.* In this episode host Bevin Branlandingham discusses the ways in which queer fat femmes are critically engaged in their relationship status. Running time: 67 minutes. Fatshion correspondent, Tara, teaches us how to convert […]