I adore Empowering Astrology! It’s my favorite astrology site out there and Katie has ruined me for sun sign astrology–we are so much more than our sun signs. I did a write-up of my hour-long natal chart reading with Katie last January and ever since she’s been providing me with some amazing healing work. On a follow-up session with her in July I learned a meditation that helped me end a karmic cycle I was in with an ex lover. The healing I got from that has been profound!

A healing bath prepared for me by Jacqueline when we were in Vegas!

Inspire by Empowering Astrology’s daily Facebook posts I began using her as a catalyst to create self development exercises for myself. I’d use her predictions for what work is most powerful at the time and create journaling prompts for myself or rituals. I thought that partnering together to do this work and offer it to our readers might be a fun resource we could offer.

Katie from Empowering Astrology–a brilliant astrologer and a babe!

For the month of January we’re offering our self development exercises–a combination of Katie’s astrological forecast for the month and activities I’m writing as part of my self esteem and body empowerment coaching practice–for free as downloads on both of our sites around the lunar cycle–on or about January 1th, January 15th and January 30th. Starting in February it’s going to be a download for $5 for the whole month’s exercises.

Photo by Kelsey Dickey for Rebel Cupcake.

I’m really excited about this project. We hope you like them! Let us know if there’s anything you would like to see in the future!

You can download the PDF of January 1st here. It has journaling prompts for setting yourself up in the new year as well as a ritual for letting go of the past. This would be great to set up with your buddies as a ritual on New Year’s Eve or New Year’s Day.

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